Genesis 4:11 tells the tale of two brothers born from Adam and Even which follows the typical structure of the Old Testament, that is, stories outlining the 10 Commandments. The story starts with Cain, the eldest of the two brothers, and Abel, the youngest, who need to make an offering to God. Cain offers a bowl of fruit (types of fruit not specified) first expecting to be praised by the Almighty. Then, it’s Abel’s turn. Here he presents God with “his best [sacrificed] animals.” God prefers the younger brother’s offering because it is seen as more valuable than mere fruit. Cain’s resentment turns into a jealous rage which he cannot control. He ends up killing his younger brother overnight in a fit of anger. The next morning, before the Lord, Cain is surprisingly not openly confronted about his brother’s murder, but rather is questioned about his whereabouts to which Cain just replies “I don’t know”. This is a story of duality where we all, as humans, have impulses and emotions that can overtake us in a split-second which can hurt ourselves or others, but we also have our spiritual selves – just as in Abel’s case – which can rise above our natural instincts and conquer them if we just choose.
Source: Barmash, Pamela. “Cain.” Www.bibleodyssey.org, Society of Biblical Literature, www.bibleodyssey.org/people/main-articles/cain. Accessed 12 Nov. 2021.